Effective date 08 June 2024


HellBM has this privacy policy because we understand that it is important for you to know how we collect, store, use and share your personal information.

In this policy we refer to HellBM as “we”, “us” or “our”.

By using our websites, mobile sites, apps, platforms, or interacting with our Customer Services, you acknowledge that your personal information will be treated as described in this policy.


In this policy, “personal information” means the same as it does in the Privacy Act 2020 (“Privacy Act”). In general terms, this includes any information that can be used to personally identify you. This may include (but is not limited to) your name, age, gender, address, contact details (including phone numbers and email addresses), images of you, your biometric data and financial information, including your payment information. If the information we collect personally identifies you, or you are reasonably identifiable from it (for example, if we combine seemingly anonymous data with other personal information, we hold about you), then the information is considered personal information.


We may change this privacy policy from time to time. Updated versions of this policy will be posted on our website. If we make any significant changes, we will provide you with reasonable notice by informing you through HellBM websites, apps and/or via email. By continuing to engage with us or use our services after any such notice period, you will be deemed to have accepted the updated version of this policy.


We collect personal information from you when you purchase products or services from us online (website or app):

  • Details of the products and services that you have purchased from us.
  • Information necessary to deliver those products and services, to respond to your enquiries including your name, email address, contact number, mailing or street address, delivery instructions and recipient details.

When interactacting with us on social media, we collect:

  • Your social media handle, along with any information that you provide to us.

If you choose not to provide us with the personal information described within this policy, then we may not be able to provide you with the product or services you have requested, either to the same standard or at all.


A “cookie” is a small text file that is placed on a device when it is browsing a website to enable the host of the website to store information about use of the website by that device.
We use cookies and similar technologies (for example, pixels) to operate our websites efficiently with a high level of functionality.


The primary purpose for which we collect information about you is to enable us to perform our business activities and to provide the best possible customer service.

We collect, hold, and use your personal information to:

  • Provide products and services to you.
  • Manage product or service warranties or guarantees, including product or safety recalls.
  • Communicate with you and process your requests, including to interact with you via social media.
  • Manage and enhance our products and services.
  • Provide you with access to secure areas of our websites and apps.
  • Investigate if we have reason to suspect a breach of any of our terms and conditions or any suspected unlawful activity.
  • Help prevent fraud and unlawful activity.
  • Undertake activities otherwise required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act).

Your personal information will be collected by HellBM and will be held at 11 Manga Road, Silverdale. It may also be held for us in the data centres, platforms and systems of our third-party service providers, some of which may be located outside of New Zealand.

Your personal information will not be shared, sold, rented or disclosed other than as described within this statement or as required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act).


We may share your personal information within HellBM:

  • For the operation of our websites and our business.
  • For the specific purpose of fulfilling requests by you.
  • To provide products and services to you.
  • As otherwise detailed in this statement.

Where we engage third parties to undertake services for us or on our behalf, we may provide those third parties with some of your personal information if it is required to fulfil those services and only to the extent required to fulfil those services. Examples of such third-party providers may include, but is not limited to:

  • Service providers such as web hosting providers, IT systems administrators, mailing houses, couriers, payment processors, electronic network administrators, debt collectors, and professional advisers such as accountants, solicitors, business advisors and consultants.
  • Software providers such as customer relationship management and accounting software.
  • Suppliers, business partners or joint venture entities or partners who we engage or partner with to perform certain services or functions on our behalf.
  • Specific third parties authorised by you to receive information held by us.

We may also disclose your personal information to manufacturers or suppliers of products or services for product warranty or guarantee fulfilment purposes, to facilitate repair of a product or where the manufacturer or supplier has advised that they need to contact you for any issues related to the quality or safety of the product or service you have purchased.


If we disclose personal information to a third party outside of New Zealand for any of the purposes listed above, and that third party uses the personal information for their own purposes, we will ensure that third party is subject to privacy laws that are comparable to the Privacy Act or is otherwise required to protect the personal information in a way that provides comparable safeguards to those in the Privacy Act.


We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, loss, or unauthorised access or modification.

We retain your personal information only for as long as we need it and we destroy the information we no longer need in a secure manner.

If you suspect any misuse or loss of, or unauthorised access to, your personal information, please let us know immediately.


You may request access to any personal information we hold about you at any time by contacting us at [email protected].

Your request will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Act.

If you make an access request, we will ask you to verify your identity. There may be instances where we cannot grant you access to the personal information we hold. For example, we may need to refuse access if granting access would interfere with the privacy of others, or if it breaches legal professional privilege. If that happens, in most circumstances we will give you written reasons for any refusal.

We may charge a reasonable fee for making your personal information available to you or providing you with copies of it.

If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, then you may ask us to amend it. We will consider if the information requires amendment and will not charge for making any amendments. If we do not agree that there are grounds for amendment, then we will add a note to the personal information stating that you disagree with it. Registered users of our websites and apps can access and update their user details online. We request that you keep your information as current as possible so that we have the most accurate and up to date information available to us.


If you believe that we have breached this statement or the Privacy Act or you have any questions or concerns about this statement, please contact us using the contact information below and provide details of the incident so that we can investigate it.

We have a formal procedure for investigating and dealing with complaints. Once the Privacy Officer receives a complaint the Privacy Officer will commence an investigation with the relevant business unit and will endeavour to determine the nature of any breach and how it occurred.

We may contact you during the process to seek further clarification if necessary. If a breach is found, the Privacy Officer will escalate the matter to management so that the process which was breached can be rectified to help prevent any further breaches from taking place. We will also contact you to inform you of the outcome of the investigation. We will endeavour to resolve all investigations within a reasonable timeframe.

We will treat your requests or complaints confidentially.

You can contact our Privacy Officer by email at [email protected] or by post at: Privacy Officer, HellBM, 11 Manga Road, Silverdale.

If you consider your query or privacy concerns have not been resolved satisfactorily by us, or you wish to obtain more information on privacy requirements, you can contact the New Zealand Office of the Privacy Commissioner via their website www.privacy.org.nz or free phone at 0800 803 909. Further information about how to lodge a complaint is available on the Privacy Commissioner’s website.